April 28, 2011

Terra's Tiara, flower crown, pastel, Bohoy

No sparkling, royal, priceless jewels
for our Earth Mother Queen.
Just ruby roses, with lavender amethyst, blue sapphire forget-me nots, and lily of the valley pearls.
All twined together with leaves and tendrils of emerald green.

Pastel, 5x7, $100

April 20, 2011

Easter Egg & Passover Matzo, pastel, Bohoy

Symbols of the season.
The egg for renewal.
The bread for freedom.
Happy Easter.
Happy Passover.

Pastel, individual paintings:
Egg- 3.5x5
[Sold- North Carolina]
print available.

April 15, 2011

Mr. Bluejay, pastel

Startling blue
in the still brown world.
Perched on Pussy Willows
soft as his feathers.
He brings spring
while singing the blues–
"Jay, jaay, toolool,wheedelee."

Pastel, 5x7, $75.

April 8, 2011

Fishing season, In the morning mist, pastel, Bohoy

The season begins.
Morning mist catches the fishermen.
The early 'fish' catches the worms.

Pastel, 8x10,
[SOLD-upstate New York]

[print to Alaska]