"Alaska Watch" © Johanna Bohoy, 2014, pastel.
Alaska watch–
Out come the cameras and phones. Almost tipping the boat into waves.
Capturing mountains and glaciers ahead.
And a humpback? an otter? an Orca? a seal?
Sights to see and send home.
Heading to Surprise Glacier, Alaska

"Surprise Glacier" © Johanna Bohoy, 2014, Watercolor, 20 x 16
It's a glacier.
An ice sculpture framed by the mountains.
Groaning, cracking, spouting, melting- calving into the sound.
Baby blue reflected from the sky above.
Chunks of ice swim over to greet us.
Little ships built by hundreds of years of compressed snow- now set sail.
A wonder of nature before our eyes.
Surprise Glacier, Alaska.
"Hatcher Passe" © Johanna Bohoy, 2014, pastel.
There's gold in them there hills...
Hatcher Pass, Alaska.
Through the rolling hills and roiling mist a shrouded vestige of the past appears.
Peaks of red that sheltered the miners of the Alaska Pacific Mining Company dot the velvety green pass.
Ghostly mists and fog and clouds hover above, all secretly holding the stories
of the men seeking their fortunes that came to a halt during WWII.
Eerily beautiful.