No sparkling, royal, priceless jewels for our Earth Mother Queen. Just ruby roses, with lavender amethyst, blue sapphire forget-me nots, and lily of the valley pearls. All twined together with leaves and tendrils of emerald green.
Startling blue in the still brown world. Perched on Pussy Willows soft as his feathers. He brings spring while singing the blues– "Jay, jaay, toolool,wheedelee."
Everyday we encounter simple things, people, places that affect our lives from dawn to dusk. I capture them. The paintings offered here arematted but unframed [unless noted]. To buy: click on the "Buy Now" button near the artwork, or email us. To view all paintings:Click on "older posts" at bottom of each page to bring you to the next pages of paintings. Or go to "labels" below in this column and view by category. [Note: as with all artwork, buyer will own the painting, but as with all artists, I will retain all reproduction rights]. Email us: Visit myBohoy Designor BohoyDesignline